Monday, April 28, 2008

I'm Back from what appears to be outerspace

I am back from what appeared to be the far reaches of outer space, althought I cant be sure as to the exact location on the cosmos charts. For the last fortnight I have been in a discombobulated state and am just now beginning to get some wits back. The Aliens must have had some new technology that I was not aware of during my extensive rezurch that nuetralized the memory receptors in my cerebellum. I was aware of their hand held "Acute Amnesia Inducing Device" but this must have been a far more powerful and developed technology that I was not cognizant of. If it was built from the same plans I might still be able to couter it next time. My struggle with the aliens and my rezurch must continue although for now I must recharge after this long and bewildering afair.

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