Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Day 18

Monday, October 29, 2007

Day 17

I do not know if this is a feeling of excitement or dread but I have heard them speak, I actually heard there voices. They have a very musical and ethereal dialect, If only I had recorded the transmission I might have been able to decipher and translate the conversation, Damn it to hell how could I be so careless. I will need to be much more vigilant and if I am lucky I will be able to capture their voices on record. One thing is for certain though… They are here.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Day 16

I know they are now very close. I used my short range ET listening device and picked up a very strong signal. This device only picks up Alien signals at a range of less than 12 furlongs or half a league. Unfortunately I have not been able to decode the signal but I will take it back to the rezurch facility for further study. They are close… I can feel them.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Day 15

Yet another remarkable discovery. It appears that a young Alien has been quite careless and left two very distinct footprints. It appears the Aliens have brought their young, possibly on some sort of vacation or sightseeing tour but more likely they are rezurching me. I need to make a plaster cast of these prints so I can continue my rezurch when I go back to my rezurch facility.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Day 14

I thought I would take this time to explain my deep and rich history with Aliens and they’re kind. Please watch the film.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Day 13

No contact today but I know they are watching me. After many years of fine tuning my senses and detection ability I know when I am being watched or rezurched or at least when someone or something is attempting to do so. I have a few circumventions up my sleeve as they say, I have been at this proverbial “game” my whole life and I know how to play it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Day 12

Last night was a bit of a bestir up signal. My first priority is to protect the rezurch and maintain control in this ongoing Alien experiment. I need to employ a tin foil hat.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Day 11

An interesting happening tonight, a rather strange sounding radio interference sounded on my radio while I was listening to my favorite nightly radio program. I think they are getting more and more curious about me. I need to protect my rezurch.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Day 10

Today I continued to gather the necessary data from the scorch radius I discovered yesterday. They must have had some overwhelming thruster trouble that ejected various internal engine components on the ground. Usually the scorch radius of these UFO’s are undetectable to the untrained eye, however I have seen several in my time but none such as this magnitude.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Day 9

As if someone heard my plea of desperation, I have stumbled upon a remarkable find fairly close to my rezurch outpost. This is yet another piece of the UFO puzzle. The data I gather may be able to unlock the secrets of the Alien thruster mechanism and therefore allowing me to build something similar. I may have the keys to intergalactic travel enabling me to take my rezurch to the Aliens and not be restricted but simply studying them here on earth. Remarkable…

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Day 8

My frustrations are mounting minute by minute. Still no sign of the Aliens. The other night was not the definitive proof I seek, I must have scientific proof from my various different instruments to verify true contact.

The solitude is starting to have an impact on my psyche. With nothing to do besides be alone with my frustrations and inactive instruments my body is starting to act in contrary to my mind. I am not a phyciatrist my studies took me down a different path but I am aware of the first signs of Chronic Loneliness. While at the intellectuals club enjoying a fine 18 year single malt, my physician collegeaus warned me about this vary disease before embarking on this latest rezurch project. This condition can lead to some surprising and fatal results in a very rapid amount of time if not kept in check; Alcoholism and heart failure due to a swift weight gain are just two of the many ways you can die from this terrible affliction. I do not relish the thought of becoming deceased on top of this god forsaken mountain.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Day 7

Not much to report today, it has been fairly quiet at the top of the world. All the instruments have been quiet and the weather is less than perfect.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Day 6

A rather unflattering bit of footage.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Day 5

After many hours of technical difficulties I have managed to obtain the security film from last night. I wish the quality was better as you cannot see the subject very well as it is moving extremely fast.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Day 4

My heart is racing but I have finally been able to calm down a bit. I believe I have made contact with the Aliens. Irrefutable proof that we are not alone. See the photograph.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Day 3

Bloody Hell

Day 3

4 or 5 hours into the decoding process. This may seem long to you but I can assure you this is fairly standard to my knowledge.

Day 3

I am very excited; already I have stumbled across an alien communication signal on one of the radio tower masts. I am in the process of decoding the signal on my portable computational device.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Day 2

I have finally arrived at my primary resurch outpost. From here I will be able to conduct most of my rezurch and observations. I have various devices at my disposal and as this has been one of the most active UFO depositories in the world I have every confidence that I will make contact in several different capacities over the coming days or weeks. The data I have gathered from my rezurch facility over the past year points to this vicinity as being very promising.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Lonely Sunset

It is quite remarkable here at the top of the world. Marvellous sunsets. There appears to be a farm of some type in the distance, I dare say they get a good show looking up here from the lowlands frequently.


I have made almost all of the Preparations to embark on my latest Alien Rezurch Project. I have gathered all the necessary equipment and permits. I have revised my will incase of the very probable likelihood of an AAI (alien abduction incident) that does not turn out favorably in my favor. In the general populations case the Aliens usually return the victim without them having any knowledge of the abduction, however in my case I have gathered such a plethora of knowledge about them that I am able to counter they’re Acute Amnesia Inducing Device (or AAID) consequently they would not dream of returning me to earth with this wealth of knowledge I have gained from my rezurch.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Rezuch Project

My latest Rezurch project planned for this fall will have the expressed purpose of making direct two way contact with the Aliens and documenting the process. The experiment that could take weeks or months to complete successfully will be documented right here on this internet website log. I will make daily reports of the progress of this highly scientific rezurch project that will be conducted on the top of a mountain.

The area I have choosen came from many months of data collection and a strong rezurch intuition. This mountain seems to be a bee hive of Alien activity. Our sensors and combination of local folk lore tell us this is the most active Alien Depository in the world ( to my knowledge ).

Thursday, August 9, 2007


I am in the planning phase of the most ambitious Rezurch project I have ever conducted. Not the biggest but the most ambitious and the most likely to succeed. As I am not exactly sure on all the project details and how I project this latest journey will unfold I cannot release any information at this time.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

UFO last night?

Last night, as I was in deep thought by the fire, I suddenly heard what sounded like a very large aircraft close overhead. It shook the entire building. I ran outside, but saw nothing.

This morning there were reports of a low flying aircraft in the area, with no explanation as to what it might be. I believe they are getting nervous of my enhanced knowledge of their existence.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

UFO captured by aliens

This video is very interesting to me. Not only is there a UFO in the sky, but there are aliens on the ground as well. They speak a very interesting language, the day we have the technology to decipher it can't come soon enough.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Lake Erie

Clearly, this footage is real.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Alien Thought Protection

Revised tin foil hat instructions...